Hey there! I’m always ebbing and flowing from disciplined writing to just going through the motions without thought to the craft. Lately I’ve found some inspiration from Mish and Rob (two lifestyle crafters from the UK) to do a weekly recap that gets the fingers typing. I’m laying out the format in this very post. A short blurb that is the meat of the post (this), followed by a summary of: this week on the blog, this week I learned, news and happenings, this week I read. Ok…begin!

This week on the blog…

First three weeks at a real job, a writeup on my current career / job landscape. My new job at Batchbook. My startup at Bundio.com. ##This week I learned…

  • Braintree is doing 50k in fee-free transactions if you are accepted into their ignition program

  • Southwest flies direct Providence to Tampa. Cheapest I found one way is $120. Many others fly out of NYC.

  • A host of new macvim commands: r or R to run tests within macvim. o to use ZoomWin

  • Rhode Island, the smallest state at 37 miles from east to west, has 400 miles of coastline. I was never great at math…but found this a little odd. The Rhode Island Tourism Division promotes over 400 miles of coastline. This is not all ocean frontage but includes Narragansett Bay extending inland from the Atlantic Ocean north to the center of the state.

###Around Providence

  • Lyft launched in #PVD. They have a Pioneer program that gives you free rides. Another week left of that…if you somehow got in! If you didn’t, tweet em and they will promptly give you some sweet free ride credits.

  • RISD Museum of Art is free on Sundays! (Or at least it was today) They have 6 floors ranging from contemporary art, poster and graphic design, modern art, various styles of paintings, and Victorian and Colonial furniture collections from the Providence area. I hope hanging out around RISD and museums turns me into a painter one of these days.

  • Flatbreads (Cushing street on the east side) has some amazing wood fired oven breads! Some may call them cheese-less pizzas, but that’s sounds boring. Get rid of your boring pizza - get rid of your boring life. Wood fired flatbreads with local mushrooms, onions and a perfect blend of spices sounds better. Add an organic salad with romaine lettuce, house-made ginger vinaigrette, Maine sea kelp and you’ve got quite a tasty meal.

News and happenings

  • Sign up for healthcare or face the wrath of Obama!

  • I’m going to Portland, ME next week to see what that show Portlandia is all about.

  • I’m going to Tampa on the weekend of 4/19 for my cousin’s wedding.

  • I got a sweet new mountain bike, the Novara Ponderosa from about 2 years ago. Craigslist transaction a success.
  • Erin is in Providence for 9 days!

This week I read…

  • I’ll put blog links and articles and things here…but I’ve been gettin down on Illumaniti conspiracy theory and Italian mystery with Dan Brown and Angels & Demons.
  • Ah, here’s one: Francis of Assisi. First guy to receive stigmata, in 1224 I believe. Francis means Frenchman. San Francisco is named after this guy. He seems like a wandering hippie who had the smarts to seek approval from the vatican to start an official group of followers. Apparently if you didn’t get vatican approval for your religious sect, you could be branded a heretic. More learning to come…